Please Note
*Located underneath the list of signs and symptoms there is an audio link . If you feel like you may be affected by jinn/black magic/evil eye then sit/lay in a relaxed state and listen to the link (through headphones when possible) and observe if you have a reaction to the recitation. In regards to reaction you should be looking for anything out of the ordinary eg tightness in the chest, heavier breathing, feeling of ants crawling under the skin, pins and needles in fingers/toes, twitching in body parts, anything that you weren’t doing in the relaxed state at the beginning, before you started the audio. If you do have a reaction then you need to seek help from a raqi who can do a diagnosis on you InShaAllah. *
Signs/symptoms of black magic, jinn or evil eye related problems
Serious sleepless nights
Frequent bad dreams featuring scary people , scary animals, scary creators etc
Dreams about a shadowy figure
Black dog
Black snake
Ball of fire overhead
Bird flying overhead
Regular erotic dreams
Regular wet dreams
Sleep walking without realizing
Gritting your teeth during sleep
Screaming during sleep
Crying during sleep
Laughing during sleep
Suffocating during sleep
Oneself among the dead
Flying dreams
Snakes around you
Snakes in your house
Snakes in your garden
Being chased by someone
Sweating heavily when asleep
General cases of failed marriages
You hate everything about your spouse
Seeing jinn (spirit, ghost)
The feeling you hate everyone in the house
Extreme unawareness
Strange staring
Hearing voices in your head
Always having bad temper
Keep on seeing spouse in an ugly way
Serious headache with no definite cause
Heaviness on the heart
Complete loss of appetite for food
Hallucination (seeing what is not real)
Keep on having negative thoughts
Feeling the presence of somebody in the house
Always feeling suffocated and restless
Feeling depressed
Sudden obedience / love for a particular person
Feeling irritable or tense
Staying in the washroom for a long time
Being afraid in the bath room
Thoughts of death or suicide attempts
Difficulty in concentrating
Heavy weight on the shoulders
Feelings of hopelessness
Extreme forgetfulness
A great deal of suspicion
Feeling something is moving in the body
Keeping one self away from family
Prefer not to have showers
Uncontrollable anger
Physical Health
Symptoms do not respond to treatment
Severe tightness in the chest
Occasional constant stomach-aches
Frequent vomiting
Pain in the lower part of the back
Moving pain from head, neck and shoulders
Constriction in the throat
Serious digestion problems
Constant Cramps
Always feeling weak
Always feeling dizzy
Having frequent epileptic attack
Doctors cannot find the cause of the illness
Feeling pins and needles
Moving pains in the body
Male Impotency
Inability sexual intercourse with spouse
Part of the body becomes numb
Part of the body shakes
Female frequent miscarriage
Female heavy bleeding
Female menstrual irregularities
Male premature ejaculation
If you do have one or more of these symptoms then it does not necessarily mean you are affected, this is a short guide of signs and symptoms.