Sihr is an issue that is not understood by many, nor is it talked about enough amongst the Muslims. When someone is afflicted by Sihr (or by ayn/mas), it can cause actual physical damage to the victim’s body.
The affliction results in a separate entity (a Jinn) residing in the human body. This entity has not been created by Allah to be naturally part of the body. Therefore, long term afflictions can, and in most cases, do cause various chemical imbalances to the the Four Humors (blood, yellow bile, black bile, and phlegm). Along with other physical ailments.
I have personally seen patients who have been suffering from Sihr for a while, developing diseases. In general, the immune system of those afflicted by Sihr, over time become weak. Because of this weakness, they get sick more frequently and easily than the average person. Other patients who already have an existing illness/disease can see notable changes, for the worse, after being afflicted by Sihr.
Either way, the weakness in their immune system leaves them open to suffering more than expected. Sihr definitely is not something to ignore and leave off being treated seriously through one’s own commitment to the Deen and authentic Ruqyah.
Examples of sihr affliction and their effects
Here are a couple of real life examples I have seen throughout my time of practising ruqyah and hijamah :
(1) Brothers with diabetes:
As with all illnesses, a person has good days and bad days, or has bad days and really bad days. Sihr is no different. Sometimes the affliction can worsen and sometimes it gets better, until Allaah wills to cure a person completely.
I’ve seen some victims, who’ve had their diabetes levels worsen drastically during the days the Sihr worsened. They regularly control their diet, take their medication properly, yet during the days their Sihr affliction appeared, the levels were maybe 3-4 times than what it would get even on their bad days (bad days in terms of diabetes only).
In situations like this, when there is an external entity causing the abnormal levels, medication itself is not enough. Rather the cure is in the Words of Allaah (i.e. authentic Ruqyah) and medical treatment from Sunnah (i.e. hijaamah, honey, black seed, olive oil, etc).
(2) A brother with stomach cancer:
This brother, SubhanaAllaah was a very decent Muslim. A wealthy brother with a very successful Halaal business. Anytime the Masjid in his city or needy Muslims needed help, he would always be there giving sadaqah. A very strong man. Out of no where, this very healthy brother was diagnosed with cancer in his stomach. I visited him last year and did ruqyah on him myself. During the ruqyah, his stomach would expand every now and then, almost to the size of a 7month pregnant woman!
After the session, he told me when and how it all began. The cause was some food from some malicious people. This brother, returned to Allah last Ramadaan having suffered severely. I ask Allah to accept all his good deeds and shower him with His Mercy.
The point is again, an external entity that has not naturally been made to be in our bodies, can cause many kinds of illnesses and diseases. For diseases for which there are modern day medical treatments, a victim of Sihr may have to seek those treatments along with Islamic treatment. And if the person knows he/she is suffering from an affliction from Sihr, then he/she must take the Deen more seriously and be more diligent on treatment from an Islamic perspective.
We all know of Ruqyah Shariah. But regular treatments with blessed food such as honey, black seed, olive oil, etc has to be part of the victim’s every day diet. Laziness and negligence on the part of the victim is what can make things worse, physically and emotionally, in the long run.
Being people of this generation, we have become over dependent on “scientific facts”. But little do we realize that our Lord knows best what is good for us. There are many things that our Creator has informed us about, but, modern day Atheist or Polytheist doctors and scientists do not fully believe or sometimes don’t even acknowledge at all. Unfortunately, many Muslims would follow such disbelieving people over what Allaah and His Messenger ﷺ have stated!
Anas radiyalAllaahu `anhu narrated: the Messenger ﷺ said:
إِنَّ الشَّيْطَانَ يَجْرِي مِنْ الْإِنْسَانِ مَجْرَى الدَّمِ
Verily, the Shaytaan flows through the body like blood. [Muslim # 2174]
Abu Hurayrah radiyalAllaahu `anhu narrated: the Messenger ﷺ said:
إِنْ كَانَ فِي شَىْءٍ مِمَّا تَدَاوَيْتُمْ بِهِ خَيْرٌ فَالْحِجَامَةُ
The best medical treatment you apply is Hijaamah (cupping). [Abu Dawood # 3857]
What do we understand from these Hadeeth?
1- As Muslims, we must believe everything, without any doubt what so ever, that came from the Allaah’s Messenger ﷺ. If he ﷺ said that Hijamah is the best medical treatment for us, then, it is!
He ﷺ did not deny there are other good treatments, so don’t go to extreme and think that anything from modern day medication is bad. There can be good in them, but the point is the best treatment is Hijamah.
2- He ﷺ made it clear that Shaytaan flows in our body like blood. Best way to get that bad blood out of our system is through Hijamah. Alhamdulillah.
This is for every one and even more so for those who suffer from an affliction due to Sihr. We must all make more sincere efforts and return to the Prophetic Medicine because those medical recommendations are either a direct revelation from our Creator, or an inspiration from the Creator!
Allaah says:
وَمَا يَنطِقُ عَنِ الْهَوَى
Nor does he (Muhammad ﷺ) speak of his own desire.
إِنْ هُوَ إِلَّا وَحْيٌ يُوحَى
It is only an Inspiration that is inspired. [53:3-4]