Sihr of separation is when a witchcraft practitioner will use sihr to try and cause separation between a man and his wife.
If you suspect you are dealing with Sihr of separation then here are some quick tips on what to do immediately and what not to do.
1. Do NOT panic, reach out to support services and seek help.
2. Contact a raqi & explain your suspicions. Be sure to give details of any symptoms you have both been experiencing and if there are any events that you believe are significant , as much detail as possible will help the raaqi with diagnosing and treatment.
3. Do NOT use your spouse as an outlet of stress. Try and seek refuge in Allah as much as possible.
4. Realise that your spouse may be just as influenced as you by this problem, if not worse.
5. Know there are other evil forces at work in your marriage – not just you & your spouse.
6. Do not waste valuable time on wondering who did this to you and why. This time could be used to make dua, seek treatment & do ruqyah. Many people never find out & even if they do there is little to be done about it as the shari’ah punishment cannot be implemented.
7. Keep a level head – you may experience a lot of unexplainable, irrational anger but you need to keep a clear head to the best of your ability & gain strength from worship.
8. Do not tell everyone – not everyone understands the problem & some people may aggravate your emotions more. Limit the people you talk to about your affairs. Telling the whole family may not be the best of moves & may bring more emotions into the mix, escalating the problem.
9. Seek out people who make you feel calm & have knowledge on such matters or are strong in their deen & can help you remain patient through this trial. Keep company with the righteous who remind you of Allah.